Onchain CTF Protocol

Build your onchain resume with Arbitrum

Let`s play!


Onchain Capture The Flag Protocol is a competition that allows you to deploy CTF challenges in a permisionless way. Once completing the challenge the player is rewarded with a “Proof of Hack” NFT

How do i play? 🕹️

First make sure that you have installed the Metamask extension.
Then make sure you have some Görli ETH on arbitrum, which you will use to send transactions. If not you can get some from this faucet and then you have to bridge funds to Arbitrum testnet
Finally click play to connect your wallet.

How to build your own CTF challenge?

You just need to deploy a challenge factory, the challenge factory should respect the onchain CTF protocol interface. This factory is responsable for deploying your challenge. Please see our Challenge Demo contract.